Plenty Vaporizer - Wholsale
The globally renowned vape producer Storz & Bickel has developed top-selling vaporizers such as the compact Mighty and the colossal Volcano. Their newest creation, the Plenty, seamlessly merges the features of both devices into a portable desktop vaporizer that offers unparalleled vapor quality compared to other options available. Equipped with a spacious filling chamber, a durable stainless steel cooling coil, and independent temperature adjustment, the Plenty guarantees a superior vaping experience with any substance. Its user-friendly controls and effortless cleaning process only add to the overall excellence of this premium vaporizer.
- Plenty Vaporizer
- User manual
- 1 x Cleaning Brush
- 3 x Screen
- 1 x Plastic Mouthpiece
- 1 x Concentrate Pad
- Metal Coil
- Plastic Grinder
- Short and Long Vapour Tube
Technical Specifications
Vaporize | Dried herbs, extracts and liquids |
Storage capacity | 0.30 grams |
Vaporizing Temperature Levels | 266° F - 392° F / 130°C - 202°C |
Initial heating | Approximately 60 seconds |
Heating system | Hybrid (convection and conduction) |
Heating chamber material | Stainless steel |
External coating material | Plastic |
Battery capacity | No battery |
Charging time | No battery |
Compatible chargers | Power supply |
Compatible smartphones | No |
Other functions | Analogue thermometer for temperature control and ergonomic design. |
Approximate Dimensions | 20cm x 15cm |
Approximate Weight | 700 grams |
Warranty | 3 years |
This trusted information is sourced from the manufacturer and our own experience with the product.
**For legal use only
Capacity |
(UK plug), 220v (EU plug) |